Info > Value


Syntax: buy
Syntax: list
Syntax: sell

BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.
When multiple items of the same name are listed, type ‘buy n.item’, where n
is the position of the item in a list of that name. So if there are two
swords, buy 2.sword will buy the second. If you want to buy multiples of
an item, use an * (buy 5*pie will buy 5 pies). These can be combined into
(for example) buy 2*2.shield, as long as the * is first.

LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.
List shows you only objects of that name.

SELL sells an object to a shop keeper or pawnmonger.

If you are at a shop with remort items and are not a rebirthed character,
you will not be able to buy the item.