Prophecies of the Pattern Information
This is information pertaining the game. Think off information on guilds, skill syntax and other related features from the MUD. While we're attempting to keep the information as complete and up to date as possible experiencing the features while playing the game will be much better, we promise!
- Addict
- Administrator
- Advanced rescue
- Advanced shield
- Aes sedai
- Affects
- Age
- Aiel societies
- Altara
- Amador
- Ambush
- Andoran
- Angreal study
- Animal
- Anticipate
- Appraise
- Arafel
- Archery
- Armor class
- Ashandarei
- Assist
- Auction list
- Autoassist
- Autobox
- Autobutcher
- Autocounter
- Autodamage
- Autododge
- Autofight
- Autofight
- Automap
- Autoparry
- Autopeek
- Autorecall
- Autoroa
- Autoskin
- Autoslay
- Autowar
- Axe
- Background
- Backstab
- Backups
- Balefire
- Band of the red hand
- Bandage
- Banners
- Barrier
- Bash
- Battlecry
- Beep
- Berserk
- Black eyes
- Black tower
- Blade master
- Blademasters
- Blanket
- Blight guard
- Blinding
- Bonding
- Borderlander
- Borderlander
- Box of giving
- Bribery
- Buddy wannabe
- Builders
- Burn
- Butcher
- Cairhien
- Calm
- Campaign
- Cantrips
- Caravan
- Casting
- Catchup
- Cha faile
- Challenge
- Channels
- Child of the light
- Claw
- Climbing
- Coinflip
- Combination
- Commandments
- Commands
- Communication
- Compact
- Companions
- Compare
- Compositebow
- Concentration
- Consent
- Consent
- Consider messages
- Constabulary
- Copper
- Copy over
- Corpse
- Corrective
- Count
- Counter
- Creator
- Crushing blow
- Cure blinding
- Dagger
- Damage cap
- Damage message
- Dancing
- Darken
- Dawn runners
- Death watch
- Dedication
- Defenders of the stone
- Defense
- Description
- Dirt kicking
- Disarm
- Disband
- Display
- Dodge
- Dodge
- Domani
- Drag
- Dragonsworn
- Dreams
- Drink
- Duahde madhiin
- Dual weaponry
- Earmuffs
- Earthquake
- Efficient
- Elemental
- Embrace
- Emotional say
- Encouragement
- Engage
- Enhanced damage
- Envenom
- Evaluate
- Events
- Examine
- Exits
- Exotic
- Experience
- Explore exp
- Faire restring
- Far aldazar din
- Fast healing
- Fire shield
- Flail
- Flameblade
- Focus
- Foot sweep
- Footsweep
- Foraging
- Fork lightning
- Freeze finger
- Ftag
- Gain list
- Gameplay
- Gcom
- Ghealdan
- Gifted
- Gleemen
- Glist
- Glow
- Grip
- Group tell
- Guild recall
- Guildlist
- Guildlogs
- Haggling
- Hairbrush
- Hammer
- Hand to hand
- Heal
- Help
- Helpme
- High chant
- Hints
- Histories
- Horse
- Houses
- Hunters instinct
- Hurricane
- Illian
- Imotd
- Implementor
- Information
- Infusing
- Innowen
- Insanity
- Intelligence
- Invasion
- Inventory
- Inventory
- Invert
- Jewels
- Jog site
- Journals
- Kandor
- Keyring
- Kick
- Kill
- Kinswoman
- Lagging
- Lance
- Leaderboard
- Learn
- Legion of the dragon
- Lemur
- Letgo
- Link
- List of jokes
- Mace
- Maidens of the spear
- Malkier
- Marriage
- Mayene
- Meditation
- Memorize
- Mentors
- Mirrormirror
- Mischan cookie
- Moderators
- Mortal leader
- Motd
- Mountain dancers
- Movepoints
- Multiple chars
- Murandy
- Name
- Net
- Net sex
- New guilds
- Night spears
- Nmote
- Northeast
- Null race
- Nwrite
- Ogier
- One power
- Outfit
- Overpowering
- Pacis
- Parchment
- Parry
- Parry
- Password
- Pathfind
- Pawn shop
- Pdeath
- Peek
- Penalities
- People of the dragon
- Pet commands
- Pets
- Pick lock
- Player kill
- Polearm
- Potion
- Potion
- Practice
- Practice
- Precision
- Prefix
- Promote
- Prompts
- Queens guard
- Quest convert
- Question
- Quick alias
- Races
- Rank
- Rebirths
- Recreate
- Red shields
- Reign
- Remove
- Remove curse
- Rename
- Repeat
- Replay
- Report
- Rescue
- Respawn
- Ridgecat
- Room description
- Roots
- Rpscore
- Ryghen
- Sacrifice
- Saidar
- Sailmistress
- Saldaea
- Sap
- Save
- Scan
- Score
- Scrolls
- Seanchan
- Search
- Second attack
- See invisible
- Sever
- Shadow armies
- Shadows embrace
- Shaeen mtaal
- Sharpen
- Shaving
- Shield block
- Shielding
- Shienar
- Shortsword
- Short_policy
- Show
- Sicken
- Skill list
- Sling
- Smell poison
- Smoking
- Smote
- Sneak
- Socials
- Spamming
- Spear
- Speardance
- Spearmaster
- Spin kick
- Spirit shatter
- Split
- Srecall
- Staff
- Stilling
- Stitch patterns
- Storage
- Strangle
- Strongbox
- Suggestion
- Summary
- Swimming
- Sword
- Sword break
- Swordbreaker
- System
- Tairen
- Take
- Tar valon
- Tarabon
- Tattoos
- Telaranrhiod
- Templates
- The darkfriend hunt
- Thief taker
- Third attack
- Thunder strike
- Thunder walkers
- Title
- Toggle
- Tomanelle
- Tomes
- Tower
- Tower military
- Towertalk
- Tracking
- Trainer
- Trains
- Trains
- Transit authority
- Translate
- Tree brother
- Treesinging
- Triggers
- Trip
- Trivia
- Trolloc
- True bloods
- Tuathaan
- Two river
- Typo
- Unkeep
- Unlock
- Value
- Verify
- Vigor
- Visible
- Waepon
- Warders
- Weaken
- Weapon damage
- Weapons
- Weavelist
- Weaves
- Weavesight
- Weaveups
- Wheel of time
- When
- Where
- Whip
- Whisper
- White tower
- Who
- Whois
- Wilder
- Wimpy
- Windfall
- Wise one
- Withdraw
- Worth
- X socials
- Yellow ajah
- Youngin